Marketplace Rules
SLC – a universal title unit in a digital format which expresses the amount (scope) of proprietary rights. The price of which (conditional network value) is established and maintained by the owners(Slotted).
- It is forbidden to advertise anything on our marketplace (including other marketplaces, payment methods).
- You must follow our Terms Of Use
- Item prices can not be more than 50 SLC.
- Slotted takes 5% of every item purchase.
- You can not withdraw any SLC.
- Refunds of items are only possible if the item you bought doesn't meet its description.
- It is forbidden to use SLC purchase anything except market items, and slotted products-new and subscriptions.
- It is forbidden to sell any goods or services unrelated to slotted.
- If you receive a ban your SLC wallet and purchased items will be unavailable.
Page last updated on 06 Sep 2022